$125.00 USD

Becoming One: Resurrected Life Experience and Training

Event Details

  • Objective: Experience the resurrected life methodology and learn how to facilitate healing for others.
  • Date: July 15-17, 2024
  • Location: St. Thomas Aquinas, 535 Rucker Road, Alpharetta, GA
  • Times:
    • Monday, July 15, from 10:30 am to 6 pm
    • Tuesday, July 16, from 10:30 am to 8 pm
    • Wednesday, July 17, from 10:30 am to 7 pm
  • Facilitators: Fr. Ignatius Mazanowski, Abby Byron-Goslin, Stephen Day, and Melissa Foley

Event Overview: Over the course of the retreat, you'll engage in transformative sessions and ministry experiences led by experienced facilitators. Here's a glimpse of what to expect:

  • Session 1: BE Healed - Foundational Healing and Self Awareness
  • Session 2: BE Fed - Healing and Freedom from Lies; Barbwire and Landmine/Anatomy of a Wound teachings
  • Session 3: BE Filled - Understanding of Kingdom Living; Intro to Baptismal Authority and Discernment Teachings
  • Session 4: BE Loved - Adoption, Integration, Restoration of Relationship and Identity
  • Session 5: BE Led - Equipping, Sending, Discipleship, Community

Each session is carefully crafted to guide you through personal growth in purity, security, and maturity, fostering an environment where you can experience healing, restoration, and community.

Registration and Logistics:

  • Materials will be provided.
  • Attire is business casual.
  • Snacks and lunches are provided. Tuesday dinner is provided.
  • For those traveling from out of town, please let us know if you have any specific needs.

Community Building and Follow-Up: While there won't be formal networking opportunities, we're dedicated to building a community of inner healers. Expect follow-up sessions and continuing education opportunities to support your journey beyond the training weekend.

We can't wait to embark on this transformative experience with you.

If you have any questions, please contact Melissa Foley at 913-375-0773.